JCC Executive Committee Meeting
Jewish Community Center Conference Room 5655 Thompson Road, Dewitt, NY, United StatesJCC Executive Committee Meeting
JCC Executive Committee Meeting
Jewish Community Center Board of Directors Meeting
Torah: Exodus 25:1-27:19 Haftarah: I Kings 5:26-6:13 https://hebcal.com/s/terumah-20240217?uc=ical-syracuse
Minor Purim celebration during Adar I on leap years
Torah: Exodus 27:20-30:10 Haftarah: Ezekiel 43:10-27 https://hebcal.com/s/tetzaveh-20240224?uc=ical-syracuse
Minor Purim celebration during Adar I on leap years in Jerusalem and walled cities
Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies Board Meeting
Syracuse Hebrew Day School Board Meeting
Torah: Exodus 30:11-34:35 Haftarah: I Kings 18:1-39 Haftarah for Sephardim: I Kings 18:20-39 https://hebcal.com/s/ki-tisa-20240302?uc=ical-syracuse
Torah: Exodus 35:1-38:20, 30:11-16 Haftarah: II Kings 12:1-17 | Shabbat Shekalim Haftarah for Sephardim: I Kings 7:13-26 https://hebcal.com/s/vayakhel-20240309?uc=ical-syracuse