Parashat Chukat

Torah: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Haftarah: Judges 11:1-33

Parashat Balak

Torah: Numbers 22:2-25:9 Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8

The Read Together Book Club

JCC of Syracuse 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, United States

Do you share the love of reading with a pre-teen or teen in your life? Then we have two book club meetings for you! "The Prince of Steel Pier," by Stacy Nockowitz. Recommended for pre-teens and teens 11+. Joey Goodman is spending the summer at his grandparents' struggling hotel in Atlantic City. Nobody in Joey's big family takes him seriously, so when his Skee-Ball skills land him an unusual job offer from a local mobster, he's thrilled to be treated like "one of the guys." Soon Joey realizes where he really belongs: with his family, who drive him crazy, but where no one fights a battle alone. Looking for an event for older teens? Check out the JCC of Syracuse's event on Thursday, July 25.

Tzom Tammuz

Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple